Tuition Management Enrollment Contract and Deposit

The enrollment contract is now available in your onCampus account (login here). A non-refundable enrollment deposit per student is required by Friday, March 31, to reserve your student's seat for the upcoming school year and to ensure course scheduling priority. This deposit is part of your student's total tuition for the school year, not an additional fee. The enrollment deposit does not apply to MPCP or WPCP students, however, ALL families need to complete the enrollment contract. The enrollment deposit is due at the time you submit your enrollment contract by electronic check or credit card. Regular monthly payments are due on the 1st or 15th of the month depending on what is chosen in the contract. Monthly payments can be made in person at WLHS (cash or check), via electronic check or credit card in your Tuition Management account through OnCampus, or over the phone with Smart Tuition (888-868-8828).
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001