At WLHS, students have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of liberal arts co-curricular activities geared to many different interests.

It's Easy to Get Involved

Co-curricular activities provide students the opportunity to meet new friends and to gain valuable experience for future life roles. To participate in any co-curricular activity, students must be in “good standing” with a minimum of a 1.5 grade point average. Annually, over 85 percent of WLHS students participate in one or more co-curricular activities.
Clubs and activities meet before, during, and after school, which means there is plenty of time to get involved, even for students who are active in sports.


List of 6 items.

  • Aquaponics

    Chemistry teacher, Mr. Josh Nelson, is growing plants in an aquaponics tank in the greenhouse. This aquaponics tank is a small scale version of a commercial product that uses waste from the fish in the bottom tank to fertilize plants growing in the upper tank. Currently, the tilapia are helping to grow basil and a few cherry tomatoes.

    The goal is to increase the number of edible species that are growing in Wisco's greenhouse, both fish and plant, and to expose students to a model of sustainable development practices. Students are encouraged to volunteer to tend the plants and fish in the greenhouse as they learn about aquaponics.

    Advisor: Mr. Josh Nelson (
  • Future Business Leaders of America

    Future Business Leaders of America is the largest business career & technical student organization in the world.

    Each year, FBLA helps more than 200,000 middle school, high school, and college students prepare for careers in business.
  • Math Track

    Any student who has a strong interest or skill in math can take part in this group. Math Track consists of a varsity and a junior varsity team. The team competes in meets at local high schools.

    Advisor: Mrs. Rachel Rimpel (
  • Plautz & ViTech Funds

    The Lauretta Plautz Fund is a portfolio of stocks donated by Mr. Mark Plautz in memory of his wife. Students are selected each year to research and monitor these stocks. Decisions are made on which stocks to buy and sell in the fund and how to best distribute the dividend earnings for use by WLHS.

    Then, in 2013, an anonymous donor established the ViTech Fund to provide another hands-on learning opportunity.

    Under the guidance of Mr. Rick Eastman and Mr. Eric Ruh, students learn about the stock market and decide how to allocate about $15,000 in yearly dividend earnings for faculty grant requests.
    Students with a desire to learn about good Christian stewardship, investing, and the study of individual stocks are eligible. A presentation and applications will be given to junior religion classes in the spring semester each year. Selections are made at the end of the students’ junior year to serve on the Plautz Fund board their senior year. The Plautz Fund meets once a month during the school year.

    Advisors: Mr. Eric Ruh ( and Mr. Rick Eastman
  • Robotics Team

    The Robotics Team designs and builds robots to compete against robots built by other area high schools. Students who want to learn more about physics, math, and science excel in this club. Members meet after school leading to regular competitions in the area and championship competitions throughout the country. Any student who is interested is invited to join this group of students who design robots.

    Advisor: Mr. Tim Thierfelder (
  • Tutors

    Tutors are willing students in any grade level who wish to share their skills and abilities with those in academic need. The tutoring happens before or after school or during a study hall. Tutors help other students with study skills, homework, and test preparation.

    Interested students can speak with their Student Services counselor for more information on being a tutor.

Honor Societies

List of 1 items.

  • National Honor Society

    National Honor Society exists to provide opportunities to seniors with recognized leadership skills. Students are selected based upon scholastic ability, character, leadership, and service.  Juniors are invited to join as seniors based on a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher after five semesters and based on school and community service involvement. NHS meets two times per semester as a full group and many times as committees. The committees organize fundraisers which benefit our large service project for the year - Our Hands for His Service.

    Advisor: Ms. Tanya Tranberg (

Leadership Organizations

List of 5 items.

  • Student Council

    Council members, who are representatives from each grade level, plan activities throughout the school year. Freshmen who are interested in being a member must get signatures from a percentage of their classmates and write a short personal essay. Members are then selected by the Executive Board.

    Advisor: Mrs. Lindsay Knight (
  • Viking Christian Leader Academy

    Members are selected for this leadership group from within Wisco Witnesses in the World.

    The Viking Christian Leader Academy's (VCLA) mission is to support the WLHS culture by strengthening its student leaders and helping them take the next step with their leadership skills.

    Click here to learn more about VCLA.
  • Chick-fil-A Leader Academy

    Chick-fil-A Leader Academy is a student leader development organization sponsored by local Chick-fil-A store owner/operator Jim Fraisier.

    The academy features video-based lessons that focus on: vision and values, servant leadership, teamwork, innovation, communication, and impact.

    Students execute three service initiatives during the school year.
  • Global Leadership Team

    The Global Leadership Team is a group of 10 American and International student leaders. This leadership team organizes the monthly events for the new international students and American student mentors. The leadership team also seeks to integrate the many cultures at Wisco and mentor their peers in successful cross-cultural friendship.

    Who can Apply? International students that have been at WLHS for more than one year, and American students that have been a Mentor to a new international student in the past.

    Application process: Applications for the Global Leadership team are released via daily school announcements in the Spring of the year. Global Leadership team members are chosen in the spring for the following school year. 
  • American Mentor to a New International Student

    This program allows American students to welcome, help, and befriend a new international student for their first year at Wisco. Monthly group events include activities of culture sharing, celebrations of American and international holidays, foods, traditions, games, and more. A good American mentor can be a key factor in the success and happiness of a new international student as they adjust to life away from their family and country.

    Who can apply? American students in grades 9-12

    Application process: Applications to be an American mentor are released via daily school announcements in the Spring of the year. American mentors are chosen in the spring for the following school year. 

    Advisor: Mrs. Tamara Leyrer (

Faith and Service

List of 5 items.

  • Culture Club

    WLHS is home to many students from across the globe with many different heritages and backgrounds. Culture Club brings students together to learn about their fellow students' cultures and celebrate what makes each one unique.

    Advisor: Mrs. Shakirah Cousins (
  • Kindness Crew

    This organization is open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Kindness Crew helps spread kindness and a positive attitude throughout our school, boost the morale of the student body, and create new friendships between students.

    Advisor: Mrs. Dawn Strand (
  • Mission Trips

    WLHS assist in spreading the good news of God’s grace throughout the world while providing students with the opportunity to experience both foreign and home mission work.

    • Students will provide a service to their Lord and to the missions where they serve by teaching or by doing any other tasks identified as helpful.
    • The Gospel is spread to people, especially young children, of other cultures.
    • Students can share their joy and their experience with fellow students and with their own congregations.
    • Students develop a lifelong desire to support the worldwide work of God’s Kingdom.
    Contact: Pastor Phil Huebner (
  • Office Runners

    Office Runners assist various offices with a variety of tasks. Any student is able to become a student aide or runner. The Attendance, Central, and Student Services Offices use students to assist with various tasks in their offices. The time spent doing this occurs during a student’s study hall.
  • Wisco Witnesses in the World (WWW)

    This is the comprehensive campus program that facilitates all student faith activities. The program is open to all students of all grades and all gifts and abilities. Students are encouraged to get involved with various areas of interest, including anything from serving as student ambassadors to mentoring other students to volunteering at local churches and schools to contacting and encouraging missionaries around the country and around the world.

    Advisor: Pastor Phil Huebner (

The Arts

List of 7 items.

  • Art Club

    Art Club at WLHS is a group of students who get together to make things. They work on varying projects from large murals to locker signs. Art Club is a weekly gathering of creative minds to collectively bring beauty and creativity to spaces. Students of all grades and levels of creative quality are encouraged to come and be a part of the Wisco Art Army!

    Advisors: Ms. Rachel Rosenberg ( and Mrs. Hannah Reichardt (
  • Competitive One Act

    Part of WLHS theatre, the Competitive One Act participates in the Wisconsin Interscholastic Speech and Dramatic Arts Association Theatre competition in fall. Students must have shown a strong commitment to the theatrical arts to be considered for performing in this program
  • Drama Club

    The purpose of the Drama Club is to offer a time and place for students to develop their God-given performance talents. Drama Club meets once a month, usually the 3rd Friday of the month. They get together and practice improv skills by playing drama games. It is open to everyone who is able to attend. The students’ knowledge of theatre arts will grow as they perform before audiences in the annual play and musical.

    Advisor: Ms. Tanya Tranberg (
  • Drama Production

    The annual drama occurs in the fall, and many opportunities exist for any student to get involved.  Auditions are held for on-stage performers, but behind-the-scene workers (stage crew, set construction, production) are also needed.
  • Forensics

    Any student is able to participate in Forensics. Forensics team members speak competitively in various forensic categories established by the Wisconsin High School Forensics Association. Students participate in forensic festivals and tournaments providing them the opportunity to meet other high school students, improve public speaking skills, earn college scholarships, and have fun.

    Advisor: Ms. Anne Holmes
  • Instrumental and Vocal Ensembles

    Wisconsin Lutheran offers a variety of curricular and extracurricular instrumental and vocal ensembles through our band, choirs, and jazz programs. To learn more and see the full list, visit our Fine Arts page.
  • Musical Production

    The annual musical occurs in the spring, and any student is able to be involved. Auditions are held for on-stage performers, instrumentalists are needed for the pit orchestra, and behind-the-scene workers are also needed in the areas of stage crew, lighting and sound, and hair and make-up.

    Contact: Mrs. Lisa Uttech (


List of 3 items.

  • Compass (Yearbook)

    The Compass is the school yearbook. Staff members experience working on layout design as well as other creative endeavors. Students develop expertise in print, computer, and photographic technologies while publishing the annual yearbook. The yearbook staff consists of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Students who have artistic skills, writing skills, or an interest in photography are needed.

    Advisor: Mrs. Patti Wenzel (
  • Pilot (Newspaper)

    The Pilot is the student newspaper. Students from all grade levels write, edit, and publish articles relating to current school news and issues. Students also execute the publication’s design and layout. All students interested in or having special writing skills are asked to become members of the staff.

    Advisor: Ms. Chris Grzanna (
  • Tech Team

    The Tech Team members work with audio and video production and recording at WLHS. They get the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art electronic equipment, frequently operate systems in the WLHS auditorium, and provide their services for various events. This crew handles the audio and lighting for chapel services, concerts, Homecoming, Festival, and a variety of other meetings. Any student can join.

    Advisor: Mr. Justin Liepert (


List of 17 items.

  • Book Challenge

    Students have the opportunity to challenge themselves to read a certain number of books each school year. Students will increase their reading level, gain new skills, meet new people, and can even win prizes! Students involved meet on Mondays during lunch.

    Advisor: Mr. Justin Liepert (
  • Chess Club

    Wisco Chess teaches the game of chess to beginners and advanced players alike. Whether you are just learning how the pieces move or are studying the complexities of strategy, you can always improve! Wisco Chess also competes against other high schools in the Milwaukee conference and at the Wisconsin Scholastic Chess Championships. Click here for the chess homepage.
  • Critical Thinkers

    Critical Thinkers is a group designed to give students coping skills related to anxiety or negativity. Each year a school counselor visits a class for a series of workshops designed to grow problem solving skills, resiliency, and mindfulness.

    Students can contact their Student Services counselor to get involved.
  • Esports

    Esports are competitive video games where teams of students from high schools all over Wisconsin compete against each other. Esports brings students together around a common interest. There are a variety of opportunities for students to get involved including team members, support staff, announcers, and social media managers.

    Advisor: Mr. Peter Iles (
  • Fashion Club

    Advisor: Mrs. Patti Wenzel (
  • Food Club

    Advisor: Mrs. Angie Livingston (
  • Girls United

    Girls United is a safe house for girls. Girls United is a group for young women of all cultural backgrounds, shades, and sizes. In Girls United, we have discussions regarding faith, self-care, and self-improvement. This club stands for encouragement, love, unity, and peace. 
  • Hope Squad

    Hope Squad provides suicide prevention training to help students identify when a peer needs help or when they themselves need additional support.

    Advisor: Mrs. Katie Chavez (
  • Language Learners Club

    Students interested in learning a new language are invited to join this club! Members talk about the different languages they are learning, resources that help, practice their new language with other members, and more.

    Advisor: Ms. Angela Horneber (
  • Page Turners Book Club

    Page Turners is the WLHS book club. The club meets once every month during the lunch periods. The students sign up in the library, pick up a copy of the chosen book, and then meet on a designated day during their lunch period for discussion. Any student who loves to read would enjoy and benefit from being a member of Page Turners.

    Advisor: Mr. Justin Liepert (
  • Refuge

    Students lose parents or siblings, many in tragic ways. Our school counselors added a grief share group for students to gather and share their stories with peers that can relate.

    Students can contact their Student Services counselor to get involved.
  • Rock Climbing Club

    This is a new club. Information coming soon!

    Advisor: Ms. Rachel Rosenberg (
  • Sign Language Club

    This is a brand new club. Information coming soon!

    Advisor: Mrs. Stacy Bitter (
  • Ski & Snowboarding Club

    This is a brand new club. Information coming soon!

    Advisor: Mrs. Stephanie Lamas (
  • Trap Shooting Club

    The Viking Clay Breakers is a trap shooting club, open to both boys and girls.

    Trap shooting doesn’t require athletic ability. Instead, it takes hand-eye-coordination, along with discipline and focus — skills that are valuable throughout life.

    In addition, there are college scholarships that are available for trap shooting athletes.

    The season runs February through June and the Viking team competes against other area high schools, including Shoreland Lutheran, Marquette High School, Wauwatosa East, and Brookfield East.

    Advisor: Mr. Josh Nelson (
  • Wisconsin Battle of the Books

    Battle of the Books is a program run by the Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association. All students in the state of Wisconsin are welcome to participate. Students are expected to form their own team of two, three, or four and divide up a statewide, predetermined set of 20 books to read during the school year. At WLHS, this group meets several times between the months of September through February to organize, discuss, write questions, and take practice quizzes, with the final Statewide Trivia Competition taking place (online) in the final week of February.

    Mr. Justin Liepert (
  • Wrestling Auxiliary

    The Wrestling Auxiliary supports the wrestling team. Any student can join. Member attend wrestling matches and help by keeping score, taking statistics, and filming.

    Advisor: Mr. Jason Nickels (

Looking for Athletics?

WLHS offers 12 award-winning varsity athletic programs. Click here to visit our athletics page.
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001