Student Services Student Outcomes

Wisconsin Lutheran High School provides an Academic and Career Plan to every student. The ACP system is put in place with the goal to prepare every student to be ready for college, career, and life to find success. Wisco students will be guided to know, explore, plan, and go into the world ready for where God wants them to serve.
Academic Counseling 
  • All students have a four-year academic plan and a post high school plan. 
College and Career Counseling
  • All students have a post high school plan and tools to be a productive and independent Christian member of their community.
Mental Health Services
  • Social and emotional learning and soft life skills are delivered at each grade level. 
For a full list of services and programs that support students please click here to access the Student Services resource board.
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001