Winter Festival 2020 is "Under the Sea"

The theme for the 2020 Winter Festival is "Under the Sea." Join us next week for exciting activities including dress up days, lunch time activities and more in celebration of Festival. Details will be released to the student body during a short presentation on Friday and morning homeroom announcements.

The dance will take place Saturday, February 1, at 7:00 p.m. in the WLHS gymnasium. Students must have their student ID to enter and no one will be admitted atfter 8:00 p.m.
The cost for a dance ticket is $11. Tickets will be for sale the week of January 27 before school, during the lunch periods, and after school in the School Store off the lower lobby.

PLEASE NOTE: So that we can monitor the size of this event, only juniors and seniors are permitted to bring guests from other schools as their dates. A junior and senior girl may bring her boyfriend and a junior and a senior boy may bring his girlfriend. You may not bring in guest dates for others. Students who have been asked to leave WLHS are not allowed to attend our dances. Registration forms for guests will be available in Central Office and need to be returned by Thursday, January 30.
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001