Easter Blessings

Coincidentally, the first Easter weekend, Jesus’ followers were sheltered in place. Fear for their lives drove them behind locked doors (John 20:19). If a boulder-sealed grave couldn’t hold Jesus, certainly a locked door was no match. And so Jesus appeared to them. His first words could have been “Why did you leave me?” or “I told you this would happen; why didn’t you believe me?” Instead, he said simply, “Peace be with you!”

This is the peace of our sin-debt paid and our eternal life assured. The WLHS Faculty and staff prays you will revel in this real though undeserved peace won by our victorious Savior. We shelter in place to keep harm out; seize the joy of knowing a Lord who couldn’t and wouldn’t be kept out of your heart.
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001