WLHS Text Alerts

BrightArrow, our Mass Communication Alert System, allows us to share urgent school-related information with our families via email, text, and phone. Yesterday a test message was sent out using the BrightArrow texting option. In order to receive text message alerts, you must "opt in," if you haven't already done so. The text message is from 87569. Reply “YES” to this text message if you wish to receive alerts via text.

Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date in onCampus so that you do not miss these WLHS alert notifications. Log into onCampus here > select Profile to edit your contact information; you cannot edit a spouse's information unless the information is shared (home phone or address).
E-mail oncampus@wlhs.org if you have problems updating your information.

Please note: We will continue to send alert notifications through Channels 4, 6, and 12; and through email, phone messages, and our website.
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001