Student Post


Today, on a day dedicated to reflecting on and celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it is especially important that we acknowledge that Wisconsin Lutheran High School opposes racism and seeks to promote racial healing.  

While we cannot control what each of our students posts to their social media channels, we can control what we model and teach them.  As a Christian school, one of our five core values is "multi-ethnic" -- celebrating the mutual benefit of cross-cultural, integrated relationships in the unity of the Body of Christ. 

At Wisconsin Lutheran, students learn how to respond to racism in a constructive way through our Civil Rights Tour, and additionally are encouraged to discuss issues in our "Courageous Conversations about Race" groups.  Our faculty has regular professional development in confronting racism. This past summer, the high school developed a four-part video series on racial awareness ending in a one-day workshop addressing our current racial climate.  On Wednesday, we hold our annual "Thanksgiving for Civil Rights Service" for our student body to celebrate our commitment to live out MLK's legacy.

We became aware earlier today of an incident involving WLHS students who posted inappropriate, unacceptable and racially offensive content on their own personal social media channels, and we began immediately to investigate the situation. While that process is ongoing, the students involved have been suspended indefinitely pending further action.
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