Estate and Will Planning

"For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2).

Although Paul may have been speaking to the church in Thessalonica in 50-51 AD, and he may have been speaking about Jesus’ second coming, there is great wisdom in the above passage. That passage contains facts that we can apply to our lives today. While there are few guarantees in life, one thing is certain, we will all leave this earth when the good Lord decides. We KNOW that Jesus will come again to take us all home, but for many of us, our time may be before Judgment Day.
As Christians we know and understand what God says about being great stewards of our blessings while we are here on Earth . . . but what about when we are no longer walking in this life? God tell us in Matthew 6 to “store up our treasures in heaven,” not in this life, but many will have some treasures left when we are taken home.

A recent survey by LegalZoom states that only 33% of adults have created the proper estate planning documents. What does this mean? Many people will be leaving their final decisions up to the government. That’s right — if you don’t have your own plan, the government has one for you.

For this reason, the Wisconsin Lutheran High School Foundation has partnered with SFC Estate Coaching. Through this partnership we are offering a free service for families, alumni, and friends of WLHS to prepare the majority of the documents necessary to complete 
an end of life strategy.

August is Estate and Will Planning month. If you haven’t started your plan yet, let us help. Visit for more information.
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001