Viking-2-Viking: Business

Our last Viking-2-Viking of the year took place April 19. Interested juniors and seniors heard from Wisco alums about their experiences in the world of business. Thank you to the event speakers for sharing their insights and wisdom with our students:
  • Zach Evans ('13) - Associate Wealth Management Advisor for Chuck Wierschem, Northwestern Mutual
  • Amber Perez ("16) - Funeral Home Director, Heritage Funeral Homes
  • Elle (Van Grinsven) Potter ('17) - Account Executive, Student Athlete NIL
Viking-2-Viking takes place six times throughout the school year. WLHS is blessed to have an active alumni base who are generous in giving their time to talk about their jobs and career paths.
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001