Student Spotlight - Nate Widdifield

Micah Ricke
Get to know Nate Widdifield (junior from Vernon, Ontario, Canada) a bit better . . .

What grade are you in? 
"I am a junior." 

How many years have you lived in the Student Homes? 
"I have lived in the Student Homes for the past two years and this is my third." 

Where is your hometown? What should everyone at Wisco know about your hometown? 
"I'm from a small country town called Vernon located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada."  

What house do you live in? What is the best part of living in ___________ House? 
"I live in I live in Damascus House. The best part of my house is my house parents:  the Halter's."

What is one thing that makes your house unique from the other four homes? 
"What makes our House unique is the freedom the Halter's reward us if we keep our grades up. Plus my House has the only Canadian ;)

Why did you choose to come to Wisco for high school? 

"At first I wanted to come because of the band. But my mom wants me to come here because I want to be in the Canadian military and she wants me to have a Christian education. We do not have any Lutheran high schools in Canada."

What activities are you involved with now or plan on joining later? 
"I am involved in many activities. In the fall I do marching band, the fall drama, the makeup crew for the drama, and I lift to get ready for the winter wrestling season. Also in winter I am involved in Jazz band and Concert band. I am planning to be involved in the new steel drums band when it really gets going. I also do makeup crew for the Musical. In the spring I lift to stay in shape for next years wrestling season. An all year activity I am involved in is the WLHS drama club.

What is the biggest challenge of living in the Student Homes and studying at Wisco?  
"I feel the biggest challenge is the language barrier between students from different cultures. Also, we are young adults and sometimes feels like we are treated like children."

What do you see yourself doing in ten years? 
"I see myself in the Canadian Army with a beautiful Christian family."

What did you know about Jesus before coming to Wisco? 
"Yes, I was raised in the Christian faith." 

What do you know about Jesus after studying at Wisco? 
"No more than what I knew before."
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