Child Labor Law Updates

The 2017 Wisconsin Act 11, signed by Governor Walker, was published June 22, 2017, and went into effect on June 23, 2017. The law removes the requirement that 16- and 17-year-old minors obtain work permits. This law also changes the terminology and refers to the "employment of minors" instead of child labor.

What this means for you:
  • 16- and 17-year-old minors do NOT have to obtain a work permit prior to beginning work. You will no longer issue work permits for minors ages 16 or 17.
  •  The law makes no changes to the requirements for minors younger than 16. Minors younger than 16 will need to obtain a work permit prior to beginning work. You will continue to issue work permits as usual for minors younger than 16.
  • This law makes no changes to any other child labor provisions. There are no changes to the maximum hours or times of days that minors younger than 16 may work, or the types of work that minors may perform.

The complete text of the law can be viewed here.
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